How your school performed in 2020 KCSE exam: list


More male learners (589) got plain As in the 2020 KCSE, than their female counterparts (304).

Out of the 893 A (plain) grades, National schools took up 80.7 per cent (721) of the slots. Extra County schools accounted for 10.9 per cent (97) of the A grades. County schools had 2 As (0.2 per cent). Sub-County schools had 3 As (0.3 per cent), whereas Private secondary schools scooped 7.8 per cent (70) of the A plain scores.

More male candidates attained the minimum university joining grade of C+ (81,154). This accounts for 56.7 per cent of the 143,140 learners, who will join universities later this year.

Female candidates who qualified for university are 61,986 (43.3 per cent).

Male students were more in all the university-qualifying grade brackets: 4,049 A (minuses), compared to 2,371 by girls; 8,815 B+ (pluses) compared to 5,612 by girls; 14,932 B (plains), compared to 10,275 by girls; 21,845 B- (minuses), compared to 16,349 by girls, and 30, 924 C+ (pluses), compared to 27,075 by girls.

More girls were in the D+ (plus) and E grade brackets than boys. The girls who scored D+ (plus) were 59,141, while the boys who scored a similar grade were 58,371. In the E bracket, there were 15,225 girls, while boys were 12,821.

National schools accounted for 15.4 per cent of all university-joining grades (22,114).

With 60,633 candidates qualified to join universities, extra County schools took up the largest chunk of university slots (42.4 per cent).

County schools accounted for 18,175 of the 143,140 university slots (12.7 per cent).

With 31,497 qualified to join universities, Sub-County schools accounted for 22 per cent of the slots.

Private schools took up the remaining 10,721 slots (5.9 per cent).

How specific schools performed

St. Anthony’s Boys’ High School in Kitale, Trans Nzoia County had a mean score of 8.733 out of the possible 12 (B), with 330 of the 385 qualifying for university slots. The school had 2 A (plains), 60 A (minuses) and 85 B+ (pluses), among other grades.

Kisima Mixed Secondary School in Nyahururu, Laikipia County had a mean score of 9.5556 (B+), with all the 36 students qualifying for university. Despite not registering an A (plain), the school’s last grade among the candidates were two C+ (pluses).

Orero Secondary School in Homa Bay County had a mean score of 9.217 (B plain), with four students scoring A (plains), 51 A- (minuses), 107 B+ (pluses), 129 B (plains), 73 B- (minuses), 30 C+ (pluses), two C (plains), and one C- (minus). Consequently, the school is taking 394 of its 397 students (99.2 per cent) to university.

Friends’ School Kamusinga in Bungoma County had a mean score of 9.6154. The school posted 13 A (plains), 85 A- (minuses), 82 B+ (pluses), 57 B (plains), 34 B- (minuses), 17 C+ (pluses), seven C (plains), three C- (minuses) and one D (plain). As a result, 288 out of the 299 candidates who sat the exam at the school will join universities.

Booker Academy in Mumias, Kakamega County had a mean score of 8.1439, with 11 candidates scoring A- (minus) grade, 19 B+ (pluses), 24 B (plains) 34 C+ (pluses), among other grades.

St. Mary’s Lwak Girls’ High School in Siaya County had a mean score of 7.374, with nine students scoring A- (minus) grade, 35 B+ (pluses), 58 B (plains), 76 B (minuses), 99 C+ (pluses), among other grades. The learners who will join university at the school (277), account for 67.9 per cent of the 408 candidates.

Ramba Boys’ High School in Siaya County had a mean score of 8.085 (B-). The school did not register an A, but had 8 A- (minuses). Three hundred and twenty-two (322) of the 365 candidates qualified for university.

The Nanyuki School in Laikipia County had a mean score of 8.683 (B plain), with two A (plains) registered. Out of the total enrolment of 186 candidates, 165 qualified for university placement.

St. Joseph’s School, Rapogi in Migori County, which was ranked as one of the most improved schools in the 2020 KCSE, had a mean score of 8.270 (B-). The school recorded two A (plains), 39 A- (minuses), 67 B+ (pluses), 77 B (plains), 72 B- (minuses), 83 C+ (pluses), among other grades. Three hundred and forty (340) of the 516 candidates (65.9 per cent) qualified for university placement. The school improved from a mean score of 7.2148 in 2019 to 8.270 in the 2020 KCSE.

Machakos School had a mean score of 8.7051 (B plain), with three A (palins) recorded. Out of the 313 candidates, 286 (91.4 per cent) qualified for university slots.

Riokindo Boys’ High School in Kisii County, which had a mean score of 9.3333 (B plain), took all its 268 students to university, despite not registering an A (plain) in the exam.

Sironga Girls’ High School in Nyamira County had a mean score of 8.209, taking 341 of its 392 students to university. The school did not post an A (plain), but had 17 learners scoring A (minus) grade.

Nyabururu Girls’ High School, which is a national school in Kisii County, had a mean score of 7.836, with one candidate scoring an A (plain). Three hundred and sixteen (316) students of the 413 who enrolled for KCSE at the school, scored at least C+ (plus) and above, representing a 76.5 per cent transition into university.

Maseno School in Kisumu County had a mean score of 9.5801 (B+). The national school had 24 A (plains), 121 A- (minuses), 121 B+ (pluses), 94 B (plains), 54 B- (minuses), 34 C+ (pluses), 11 C (plains) and three C- (minuses).

Murang’a High School, which produced Kenya’s leading candidate in the 2020 KCSE, had a mean score of 9.8657. All, except for 12 candidates of the 283, who sat their exam at the school, attained the minimum university qualification grade of C+ (plus). The school registered an impressive number of A (plains); 30. Eighty-six (86) scored A- (minuses), 71 B+ (pluses), 48 B (plains), 23 B- (minuses), 13 C+ (pluses), nine C (plains) and thee C- (minuses).

Mahiga Girls’ Secondary School in Nyeri had a mean score of 8.553 (B plain). The school posted two A (plains), 18 A- (minuses), 45 B+ (pluses), 75 B (plains), 51 B- (minuses), 43 C+ (pluses), 14 C (plains), four C- (minuses) and one D+ (plus). Two hundred and thirty-four (234) of the 2532 candidates qualified for university placement.

St. Albert’s Ulanda Girls’ High School in Migori County had a mean score of 8.5331, with 529 of its 544 students qualifying for university. The top student at the school had an A- (minus).

Kitui School, which is a national school, had a mean score of 9.2, with two learners scoring grade A (plain). Out of its 159 candidates, 153 qualified for university placement.

St. Charles’ Lwanga in Kitui had a mean score of 8.35, with ten students scoring A- (minus) grade. Out of the 160 students, who wrote the test at the school, 141 attained at least C+ (plus) or above.

Njiiri Boys’ High School in Murang’a County recorded a mean score of 8.872 (B plain) in the 2020 KCSE. Five students posted A (plain), 52 A- (minuses), 90 B+ (pluses), 110 B (plains), 75 B- (minuses), 48 C+ (pluses), 20 C (plains), five C- (minuses) and two D+ (pluses). Out of the 407 candidates, 380 qualified for university placement.

Nyeri High School posted a mean score of 8.117 (B-), with 273 (83 per cent) of its candidate population qualifying for university.

Ribe Boys’ High School in Kilifi County had a mean score of 7.1925 (C+), with 90 of its 177 students qualifying for university placement.

Moi Girls’ High School, Mbiruri in Embu County had a mean score of 8.581, with ten students scoring A (plain). Two hundred and fourteen (214) of its 258 candidates (82.9 per cent) qualified for university placement.

St. Brigid’s Girls’ High School, Kiminini in Trans Nzoia County had a mean score of 9.8532, with 19 students scoring A (plain), 73 A- (minuses), 72 B+ (pluses), 42 B (plains), 35 B- (minuses), nine C+ (pluses), one C (plain) and one C- (minus).  All of the 252, minus two students, qualified for university placement.

Light Academy in Nairobi had a mean score of 10.053 (B+), with 25 students scoring A (plain). There were 36 A- (minuses), 30 B+ (pluses), 14 B (plains), 14 B- (minuses), seven C+ (pluses) and four C (plains).

Alliance Girls’ High School shines

Alliance Girls’ High School in Kiambu County had a mean score of 10.8557 (A-). The school produced 77 A (plains), 128 A- (minuses), 86 B+ (pluses), 54 B (plains), 19 B- (minuses), 17 C+ (pluses) and 14 C (plains). All of the 395 candidates, minus 14, qualified for university placement.

St. Francis Rang’ala Girls’ High School in Siaya County had a mean score of 8.38, with 24 students scoring A- (minuses).  All of the 469 candidates, minus 34, qualified for university slots.

Kahuhia Girls’ High School in Murang’a County had a mean score of 8.3346 (B-). Twelve (12) students had A- (minus) grade, 52 B+ (pluses), 60 B (plains), 58 B- (minuses), 43 C+ (pluses), 24 C (plains) and seven C- (minuses). Of its 257 candidates, 226 Kahuhia Girls’ candidates (87.9 per cent) qualified for university placement.

Moi High School Kabarak posted a mean score of 9.5958 (B+), with 15 students scoring plain As. Eighty-four (84) scored A- (minuses), 106 B+ (pluses), 61 B (plains), 44 B- (minuses), 18 C+ (pluses), nine C (plains) and two D+ (pluses). Three hundred and twenty-eight (328) of the 339 candidates (96.8 per cent) qualified for university slots.

Moi Girls’ High School in Nairobi had a mean score of 8.6 (B plain), with two students scoring A (plain) grade. Thirty-one (31) had A- (minuses); 60 B+ (pluses), 76 B (plains), 37 B- (minuses), 34 C+ (pluses), 28 C (plains), seven C- (minuses), five D+ (pluses) and one D (plain). Two hundred and forty (240) of the 281 students (85.4 per cent) qualified for university placement.

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