Don’t ignore these red flags when it comes to your thoughts toward your finances. You probably…
Category: Money
What is it like to own an Airbnb? Here’s what you need to know
The holiday season is upon us once again, a time of joy and celebration for most,…
Should You Tell Your Kids Who Gets What In Your Will?
Explaining your decisions ahead of time can prevent conflict, resentment and disappointment over who inherits what.…
Investing in gold
Gold is gaining demand in the country, especially from rich Kenyans amid the ongoing shilling depreciation…
Investment opportunities to look out for in 2023
A year is like a short story. Brief, yet lengthy enough for plot twists, cliff-hangers and…
How to Buy Shares and Stocks
To buy shares/stocks, you’ll first need a brokerage account, which you can set up in about…
7 freelancing trends in the post-covid world
It seems like freelancing is everywhere today. Perhaps you know someone who’s gone freelance recently, or…
5 Things to Know About Navigating Economic Downturns
Real estate markets are entering a period of sustained weakness for the first time in over…
Should You Charge Your Adult Child Rent To Live At Home?
Here are some things to consider when discussing what contribution your adult child will make to…
10 Money Red Flags To Look Out For In A Potential Partner
Relationship and finance experts break down notable signs that could foreshadow future strife. It’s natural to…