Poor Air Quality Is Bad For Pets, Too. Take These Steps To Protect Them Now.

As wildfire smoke covers parts of the U.S., veterinary experts share their advice for keeping your…

How Pet Owners Helped Their Dying Pets Have Good ‘Last Days’

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is hard. These pet parents thought of creative ways to…

I’m A Vet, And This Is The One Thing I Won’t Let My Dog Eat

Some of the foods veterinarians don’t let their dogs eat may surprise you. Dog owners often…

Do Pets Grieve, Too? Experts Explain How To Help Them Through Loss.

Dogs and cats show certain behavioral changes when they experience grief. Here are the signs to…

How Lee got into the business of pet cremation

When Lee Funeral Services started, it was all about the preservation of human bodies and cremation…

Very Few Veterinarians Are Black In The U.S. This Is What It’s Like To Be One.

Only 2.2% of all veterinarians in the U.S. are Black. It’s hard to believe you can…

Cat Owners Aren’t Taking Them To The Vet Enough. That’s A Problem.

Cats go to the vet less than half as often as dogs, even though they require…

11 Holiday Items That Are Secretly Dangerous For Pets

Experts share what dog and cat owners should pay attention to during the festive season. The…

What It’s Like To Run A Pet Cemetery As Your Family Business

More than 80,000 animals, including famous pets, reptiles and a Bengal tiger, are buried in Hartsdale…

11 Flowers Or Plants That Are Toxic To Cats And Dogs And That You Should Get Rid Of ASAP

If your pet eats one of these plants, you may need to take it to a…