Technology Cyber-attacks down 75pc on improved security Monday, February 3, 2020 10:28 By DOREEN WAINAINAH The…
Category: Tech
Can you really be electrocuted by your charging smartphone?
In a pilot run, the most recurring question The Standard Fact Check Desk got was whether a charging…
Easy ways to cash in on the internet
It is now common knowledge that the internet has revolutionised how business is conducted. In as…
How to track your blog’s growth this year
Happy Lunar New Year! Though the new year technically started on January 1, I”m hitting reset…
How Africa can tap tech disruption opportunities
SUMMARY Artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, robotics, 3D printing, and the Internet of Things (IoT)…
Flagging gaps emerging from rising stature of data in business
Technology Flagging gaps emerging from rising stature of data in business Thursday, January 23, 2020 17:00…
Picking minds of students on the disruptive power of technology
Technology Picking minds of students on the disruptive power of technology Wednesday, January 15, 2020 22:00…
Make Artificial Intelligence a business priority in 2020
Artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) have changed the way data is gathered, stored,…
Tech key to winning war on counterfeits
Ideas & Debate Tech key to winning war on counterfeits Sunday, January 12, 2020 22:00 Counterfeiters…
Why we’ve never fallen in love with virtual reality
“When I put in the earpieces and goggles the first time it was crazy – it…