Curb reckless spending


Curb reckless spending

Charity Ngilu
Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu. FILE PHOTO | NMG 

Something of note is unfolding in Kitui County that may yet be the cure to wanton wastage of taxpayers’ money by our highly pampered elected leaders. About 35 ward representatives will be forced to pay back Sh21 million, money they used while globetrotting in the name of benchmarking, from their pockets.

Ironically, the predicament they now find themselves in is of their own making after they failed to pass a supplementary budget that would have covered their expenditure. The surcharge should be emulated by other counties and even the national government. Nothing forces one to walk the straight and narrow path of fiscal discipline than personal finance pain. When our ward representatives, MPs, senators and other State officers know that they may later pay through their nose when audit queries emerge from their foreign visits, they will be more responsible with our money. The potential savings run into millions, if not billions, of shillings that could spur much needed development. In Kitui, for instance, the Sh21 million is not loose change. It could sink several boreholes or even equip a dispensary. But that can only happen if people mandated to oversight in counties and national government are bold enough to call out wanton wastage.

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