Ipsos Kenya has released findings of a national survey that focused on perception of Kenyans on what are their biggest problems.
The survey was done between April 16th and April 17th and 1,527 respondents were sampled.
Among the highlights of the survey are drought and corruption which Kenyans perceive as their biggest problems.
The survey was conducted on Kenyan adults aged 18 and above living in urban and rural areas.
Below is a breakdown of the survey:

According to the survey findings, it would appear that Eastern region (57%) and the Rift Valley region (54%) are the most affected by drought and famine.

According to the report, over 50% of Kenyans feel that the county governments and the national government could have done more to mitigate the issue of drought and famine.
Huduma Namba
Ipsos also did a survey on Kenyans opinion on the Huduma Namba and interestingly over 90% of Kenyans are aware of the ongoing Huduma Namba initiative.
34% of the people who took the survey had registered for the Huduma Namba intiative, with high registration being mentioned in Eastern, Western and Central regions.
Credit: Source link