EDITORIAL: Be fair in SRC pay review


EDITORIAL: Be fair in SRC pay review

National Assembly
National Assembly. FILE PHOTO | NMG 

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) review of State officers’ pay should reflect the economic realities and be commensurate with the responsibilities of public servants under the Constitution.

All factors should be considered and strike a formula that will compensate State officials adequately while preserving public resources.

In the past, reviews have benefited a small cadre of State officers, leaving out hard-working officers who need motivation.

The commission says it will benchmark the new pay structure on what neighbouring countries, South Africa, India, Canada and the US pay holders of similar offices.

If SRC fails to conduct a proper review, we will end up with a bloated wage bill with ramifications for the economy and development. An unfair review could also ignite demands for higher pay from other public servants.


The commission expects an upward review of the pay to accommodate inflation and compensate for the 2017 salary cuts.

Taxpayers can only hope that beneficiaries will be contented and keep off from State coffers.

Schemes to waste taxpayer money are prevalent among top State officials and servants.

The SRC must seal loopholes for wasteful spending if it hopes to tame the wage bill.

In their review, SRC should address the issue of other perks that various office holders are entitled with to cut unnecessary wastage.

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