ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna (left) left hopeless after Malindi Mp Aisha Jumwa (right) grabbed a microphone from him while addressing mourners during the burial of the Mombasa Deputy Governor William Kingi’s Father at Malindi in Kilifi County on Friday,03rd April,2019. [Nehemiah Okwembah, Standard].
Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi has criticized Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa’s public conduct after a recent incident in which she humiliated Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Secretary General Edwin Sifuna.
According to the governor, Jumwa’s public altercation with Sifuna in Malindi on Friday portrayed her in bad light and did not advance her arguments and defence against the party all. The governor said although he understands Jumwa’s bitterness with the opposition party that has since expelled her from its ranks, the MP’s haranguing of Mr Sifuna from a public podium portrayed her as uncontrollable and extremely ungovernable.
He said that by stopping Sifuna’s address before a funeral congregation Jumwa neither won any sympathy nor advanced her own image. Kingi insisted that the MP should explore better ways of solving her problems with ODM.
The governor said whatever happened at the burial of Mombasa deputy governor’s father was an embarrassment to coast leaders and advised Jumwa to use good and acceptable ways of solving her problems with ODM party that has made her a bitter woman.
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“I know all about Jumwa’s issues in full. Mine is to ask all those concerned. Jumwa you are bitter and everyone knows about it. You have a right to be bitter and frustrated as a politician. I want you to look for better ways to fight this crisis that has befallen you. Some ways will not help you. There are ways that when you use will attract more Kenyans and Kilifians to support you, “said Kingi.
He then proceeded to give analogy: “You cannot undress and start following a mad man. People will say two mad have passed. Please cool down your temper. We don’t want your hot tempers to affect you.”
But two Kilifi ODM members of parliament who like Jumwa are allied to DP William Ruto today defended Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa’s dramatic actions that barred ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna from addressing mourners at Jilore in Malindi.
Kilifi North MP Owen Baya together with his Magarini counterpart Michael Kingi said the action by Jumwa was prompted by the need to respect Mijikenda community.
On Friday during the burial of the father to Mombasa Deputy Governor Dr Kingi, Jumwa who was the master of ceremonies, embarrassed Sifuna by snatching the microphone from him in public after accusing the ODM official of “talking politics during funeral”.
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It happened after Sifuna introduced himself as the messenger of ODM leader Raila Odinga, who had been sent to convey his message of condolence to the family of the late Edward Benjamin Kingi.
Sifuna began his speech by stressing the need for the Orange party to be respected when the Malindi MP confronted and stood him down for not respecting ‘the dead and the Mijikenda community.’
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Kilifi GovernorAmason KingiAisha JumwaODMEdwin SifunaFuneral
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