Househelp woes

A number of city mums appear a worried lot as we head into 2021.

And no, these worries have nothing to do with the reopening of schools scheduled for the opening week of the first month of the year after a ten-month break.

Rather, these parents are worried about the dreaded phone calls they will get from the house helps and house managers indicating an abrupt termination of their contract.

You see, in the month of December, most households offer house helps an extended break to enable them to travel upcountry and spend some time with their loved ones.

And come January when it is time for them (house helps) to go back to their respective places of employment something happens that makes them suddenly unavailable.

A city mum recently shared in a closed Facebook group how in a few days parents and guardians will likely receive intimidating messages from the house helps.

“The Annual Maids’ Migration started two days ago. Five days from now, mothers’ phones will be full of those intimidating and blackmailing texts as;

– Hae Plis, nimepata job mahali ingine, kama utaniongeza mshahara nitakuja (I got a job somewhere else, I will only return if you can increase my salary)

-Nitumie fare kama unataka nirudi (Send me transport if you want me to return)

-Nyanya yangu amekufa nitarudi after Matanga (I have lost my grandmother and have to attend the funeral).

-Magari za kuja huko zimejaa na zenye ziko zinaitisha 2k fare na sina saa hii (All the public service vehicles are full, those available are demanding Sh2000 fare).

You are lucky if you have a consistent house manager,” she wrote.

The comments received numerous comments from other parents who shared their own experiences.

“House manager chronicles, I hope we get one because the year ahead is totally a beehive,” a Facebook user wrote.

“Thank God I graduated from that university. Nanny left when Covid-19 hit. Everyone in the house now handles their affairs – including cooking in turns,” said another.

“Yetu tulipata message number 1 (We already received a similar message). So the search began for another girl,” commented another Facebook user.

“If mine returns on the date she said she will….and pick her phone anytime I call coz she reorganised the house I can’t seem to find anything…raise pap. Seriously,” stated one Facebook user.

“Mine, a Ugandan left on 22nd Oct citing a very important celebration at home. Was to come back after four days. On 28th I called her akasema celebration was postponed to 15th Nov. Mark you am a field person, asked her to come back then go when the date is due. She switched off her phone to date. Anyway, trusting God for another house manager,” said another Facebook user.

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