Jimi Wanjigi’s application to be cleared as presidential candidate in August 9 elections has been rejected by the Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).
The electoral agency said Mr Wanjigi did not have the degree certificate as required by law, an also lacked the signature numbers to be cleared to contest.
IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati asked Mr Wanjigi, who is the Safina party presidential aspirant to bring the physical copy of the degree to be cleared.
Mr Chebukati added: “We have gone through your documents and we have noticed two major issues. You don’t have a degree certificate. You have just attached transcripts and you will be graduating in December.”
“We have also noticed that the signatures of supporters is falling short by one county. Due to the reasons above, I am rejecting your application to be a presidential candidate for August 9 elections.
Mr Wanjigi called out IEBC ode double standards arguing that his documents were in order.
“We were told that all the documentation were alright during our pre-nomination meeting. Why cherry-pick now? There are certain people who don’t want some individuals on the ballot,” he said.
His running mate Willis Otieno contested the rejection saying Mr Chebukati had already set a precedence by clearing the first presidential candidate with the same degree issue.
“We also wrote to you on May 30 and served to you a day later on supporters signatures from 25 counties. This was to enable the Commission get back if any issue arises for their rectification.The letter was not responded to. Subsequent to the letter, a follow up letter was done but did not get any response too. It is therefore in absolute bad faith to purport that our candidate has not met the requirement,” he said.
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