Duane Njane Njengi was charged with exposing underage children to alcohol and substance abuse as well as being in possession of narcotics.
“Njengi willfully caused 44 children aged between 13-17 years to be in need of care and protection by exposing them to use of alcohol and drugs namely cannabis sativa on the 21st of November this year,” part of the charge sheet reads.
The investigating officer in the case said the suspect was found in possession of 30 grams of bhang at the time of his arrest.
Njengi is also accused of failing to ensure observance of physical distancing at the said party in line with the ministry of health’s Covid-19 protocols.
He was released on a cash bail of Sh300,000 with an alternative bond of Sh500,000.
Last month, 44 school-going children were arrested alongside their host and various brands of alcohol and bhang seized in the raid.
Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) identified the host as 41-year-old Millicent Kithinji.
DCI further revealed that the teens found in Ms Kithinji’s house were 26 boys and 18 girls aged between 14 and 17 years and who are primary and secondary school learners.
The minors told police they were from Nairobi, Kiambu and Machakos counties and police linked their disappearances to an online group known as Carty-gang-ent which is being investigated.
Ms Kithinji was arrested alongside her accomplices David Kibe Wambui, George Kamau Muthoni and Michael Morega and were last week released on a cash bail after the police brought no charge sheet.
The state said it was not through with investigations and needed to continue detaining them.
Magistrate Muthoni Nzibe declined to give the police more time and released them on Sh200,000 bond each until December 15 when the police will confirm whether they are through with the investigation.
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