The Most Popular Movies On Netflix Besides ‘Sweet Girl’

“The Loud House Movie,” a Nickelodeon animated series adaptation, is also a top pick.

“Sweet Girl” is the most popular movie on Netflix, according to the streaming service’s public ranking system.

The thriller stars Jason Momoa as a family man seeking revenge against a greedy pharmaceutical company that pulled a potentially life-saving drug from the market just before his wife died of cancer. “Sweet Girl” premiered on Netflix on Aug. 20.

The second most popular film on the platform is “The Loud House Movie,” an adaptation of the popular Nickelodeon animated series about a family with 11 children. Another animated movie takes the third place spot ― Lin-Manuel Miranda’s musical adventure, “Vivo.”

Other notable movies in the ranking include “Beckett,” a political thriller starring John David Washington, and the true crime documentary “Memories of a Murderer: The Nilsen Tapes.”

As for films not produced by Netflix, the ranking includes “Major Payne,” “The Vault” and “Walk of Shame.”

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