This mat has upped my yoga game and makes me even more excited to go to class.
After a recent breakup, I did the budget version of “Eat, Pray, Love” in which I camped alone at a Pennsylvania state park and joined a community yoga studio. Though I’d casually done yoga for years, I never took it too seriously, meaning my mat was a flimsy neon sheet from a discount bin.
Tired of crying alone in my house, I found myself attending yoga class almost daily. It was the only thing that made me feel better, and so I tried it all: hot, slow, yin and outdoor classes on rooftops and in parks. No matter the style, speed or temperature of the class, one thing remained true: My yoga mat sucked.
Though I could feel myself getting stronger, my clammy hands and toes would slip on my cheap mat, making it impossible for me to hold poses. It also gave no support to my knees, making class a little more “ouch” than “om.”
Following one particularly uplifting class, I asked a favorite teacher for mat recommendations. Without hesitation, she suggested standard 5-millimeter yoga mat, encouraging me to try hers out.

A few seconds into stretching on it, I immediately felt the quality increase from my own mat. At five millimeters in thickness and made from high-qaulity rubber, it’s a super-dense mat that’s incredibly grippy and absorbent. It gives ample support and cushion to your joints throughout your practice, and totally stays in place, even when you look like you’ve been through a monsoon.
Because it’s nearly $100, I was a little hesitant before purchasing, but knowing the quality first-hand, I was confident it would be worth its price tag. (Spoiler: it is.) Thick and textured, it’s an incredible yoga mat that offers stability and support through quick movement and deep lunges. It’s reversible, with one smooth super grippy side that’s perfect for heated classes or generally sweaty people (like moi), and one side that’s super cushiony natural rubber, perfect for lower intensity classes. Also, it always, always lies completely flat when you roll it out, so you never have to deal with the annoyance of the top or bottom rolling up — which also used to make me really self-conscious, because it kind of announces to the room that your mat spends a lot of time rolled up.
Much like getting a new car and then seeing it all over the highway, I soon learned nearly everyone in my studio has Lululemon’s mat. Teachers and students alike, both veterans and newbies, swear by this thick and absorbent instrument. It comes in a variety of colors and patterns, all of which look great in person. Yet, some reviews say the lighter colors tend to show sweat spots, so if you, like me, are always wet, you might opt for black or one of the darker patterns.
I have the plain black, which is incredibly absorbent and does not show any sweat spots or stains and has never become funky or smelly. The flat side can, however, show my gross foot skin residue/general foot dust (especially if you’re walking around the studio barefoot before class), but it cleans up instantly when I wipe it down. I don’t clean my mat after every class, which is maybe gross and TMI, but also the truth. What can I say? It really holds up well and is a perfect high-quality, low-maintenance mat.
Coming in at a little over five pounds and 26 by 71 inches, it’s a hefty mat. If you’re used to a super light and flimsy one, you will very much notice you are carrying this baby, and may have to be more intentional about where you store it. It also gives off a pretty strong rubbery smell the first few times you use it, but I promise it goes away, especially if you keep using it and airing it out.
I’m going on a few months with the mat now, and I can say it’s one of the best purchases I’ve made this year. It’s totally upped my yoga game and it makes me ever more excited to go to class every day. It feels so nice under my hands and feet and is super soft on my whole body during Shavasana, when you just lie down.
I used to feel a little sheepish in yoga class and afraid to ask for corrections or suggestions. I’m sure some of my newfound comfort stems from general maturity, but I do think having a high-quality mat that makes me feel physically supported gives me extra confidence in class. I no longer feel like I’m trying to down dog on quicksand, and in so, I’m able to stay more calm through class and really tune into my breathing and poses. I don’t feel like I need to prove to the teacher or anyone else in class that I know what I’m doing; I can just do what feels right for my body in the moment.
If you, like me, thought Lululemon was simply the good leggings store, I have news for you. Their yoga mat is slept on, and will be a welcome addition to your practice.
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