Watching the wrong kind of movie as a kid can have a long-lasting effect.
Just ask these Twitter users, who started sharing late Tuesday the names of the films that most traumatized them when they were young.
Production assistant Ashley Bower kicked off what became a viral trend by suggesting that “Jumanji” ― presumably the 1995 original starring the late Robin Williams ― had stayed with her for all the wrong reasons.
Actor Zach Braff, director Edgar Wright and hundreds of others then chimed in with their own horror flicks:
“Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom”
When they pulled the heart out I asked my mom if I could go play arcade games in the lobby.— Zach Braff (@zachbraff) February 19, 2020
Watership Down. My babysitter thought “oooh little Bonnie will love an animated movie about bunnies!” Um…so many rabbity nightmares were in my future. ???????
— Bonnie Burton (@bonniegrrl) February 19, 2020
I loved every other minute of the movie— and I still do— but man, the Boat Ride scene in Willy Wonka? The stuff that lifelong nightmares are made of.
— Trey Callaway (@TreyCallaway) February 18, 2020
Babe: A pig in the city. It’s such a weird movie with a bunch of weird talking animals and my life forever changed after watching it. Just thinking about it is making me very uncomfortable.
— Alyssa Wilson (@acwnews) February 19, 2020
Spanish movie theatres gave a negative amount of f*cks about age ratings. Result: I saw Se7en when it just came out.
The sloth scene did a good one on me.
— Sam (@Spainkiller) February 19, 2020
At a sleepover in the 80s, as huge Burt Reynolds fans, we rented what we thought was the latest comedy action wink-at-the-camera Burt laugh-fest. And that’s how I saw Deliverance when I was 12. Nightmares for weeks. Haven’t seen it since.
— James Moran (@jamesmoran) February 19, 2020
Children of the Corn.
I grew up in a farmtown and we scared ourselves shitless at slumber parties playing ghost in the graveyard in the corn fields around each others’ houses!
— Tonya Kay (@tonyakay) February 19, 2020
I missed the exorcist. Didn’t find Jeepers Creepers scary. Poltergeist was creepy. Loved the Never Ending Story. But a nightmare on elm street… Ugh, I didn’t sleep for a week. ?
— Jeetendr Sehdev ?☀️ (@JeetendrSehdev) February 19, 2020
“Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” and “Gremlins,” which not coincidentally were the two films that prompted the creation of the PG-13 rating.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) February 19, 2020
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