A series of photographs capturing a young girl posing in Baringo County, in a traditional African set-up, caught the attention of Kenyans on Monday, May 25.
The images taken by photographer Daggy Shy featured the girl in African wear in various poses, some alongside older women keeping with the African theme.
Her infectious smile and the stunning quality of the images inspired a trend online as Kenyans pushed for the girl to secure an endorsement deal with an international firm.
Speaking to newszetu on Monday, May 25, the photographer revealed that it had been a whirlwind since the photos went viral on social media.

Seemingly busy when contacted, he revealed that journalists accompanied by camera crews had arrived at Emining, Baringo County on the morning of May 25, searching for the girl.
“I am a photographer based here in Baringo. I take various shoots. In fact, right now I am busy because media personalities have come here today with their cameras looking for more details about the girl and the photos,” he noted.
This is why, in one of the images, the child holds a traditional milk gourd known as sotet, with a warrior also portrayed with a bow and arrows.
Daggy, however, clarified reports that well-wishers had already offered to pay the girl’s fees for the duration of the rest of her education.
“I have heard (of the pledges on social media) but I can’t say any of the well-wishers you are telling me about, have reached out to communicate about school fees,” he stated.
The photographer had revealed that the girl was able to take part in the shoot as schools were closed across the country due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
It is hoped that the new-found attention will guarantee a better future for the child even as Daggy progresses with his photography career.

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