Winning Big with Lotto


It takes less than 30 seconds to open an account and secure your ticket for the next draw. To start playing, register and pick your numbers. To buy your ticket, deposit money in your online account via MPESA. Simply choose the Lipa na M-PESA option from the MPESA menu and send at least KSh 50 to PayBill Business Number 777000, with account number WEBClick here to Start


  • Register an account
  • Pick your numbers.
  • Fund your account via M-PESA:
    1. Select M-PESA
    2. Select Lipa na M-PESA
    3. Select Pay Bill
    4. Enter 777000 (Business Number)
    5. Enter Account Number (if you have one, e.g. WEB)
    6. Enter Amount 50 (KSh, minimum)
    7. Enter your M-PESA pin
    8. Confirm your payment
    9. Wait for the M-PESA confirmation SMS
  • Once you have topped up, click the Buy Now button to buy your ticket

The minimum number of matches you need to win a prize is 2 numbers + the bonus ball. To win the jackpot you must match all 6 numbers + the bonus ball.

1123456+B Match 6 numbers and the bonus numberKSh 100,000,000
2123456      Match 6 numbersKSh 10,000,000
312345B      Match 5 numbers and the bonus numberKSh 1,600,000 *
412345        Match 5 numbersKSh 50,000
51234B       Match 4 numbers and the bonus numberKSh 2,800
61234          Match 4 numbersKSh 600
7123B          Match 3 numbers and the bonus numberKSh 300
8123           Match 3 numbersKSh 150
912B           Match 2 numbers and the bonus numberKSh 75


Draw times & information

Lotto has two draws a week:

  • Wednesday: 21:00
  • Saturday: 21:00

Entries to each draw close at 20:00 on the day of the draw.The winning numbers are revealed on the LOTTO Live! show on KTN at 10pm, and published on the Results page after the show.

All you have to do is pick 6 unique numbers from 1 to 49 and a bonus number from 0 to 9. Click here to Start.

Cost of entry and number of tickets to purchase

Each entry to win a possible 100000000 costs only KSh 50.

Only one ticket can be purchased for each request although you can purchase multiple tickets for the same draw.

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